Order cd version of UNSPOKEN now!
Download UNSPOKEN now!
Michael's new cd UNSPOKEN is now available world wide in both digital download and hard copy format.
Order your cd copy of UNSPOKEN below!
Think about it! Although we live in the convenience of a digital world, hard copy cd's are still cool. Who doesn't enjoy kicking back while listening to the music and looking through the packaging, exploring the lyrics, the pictures, the artwork?
Cd's give us an experience that cannot be equaled through digital download audio files!
Included in cd: Beautiful 12 page fold out insert which includes Lyrics to all 10 songs, plus Michael's own thoughts and explanations of each song.
United States (only)
$ 13.99 + $4.00 shipping
Please allow 7 - 10 days for delivery
UK & EU (only)
€ 13.99 + € 14.50 shipping
(USPS 1st Class Int'l)
Please allow up to 14 days for delivery
Questions about your Order? Please include your unique PayPal transaction number
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R$ 25,00 + R$ 25,00 envio
Pense nisso! Embora vivemos na conveniência de um mundo digital, a cópia impressa do CD tem uma experiência única. Quem não gosta de ouvir música olhando o encarte do CD, explorando as letras, as imagens e a arte gráfica?
A cópia impressa nos proporciona uma experiência que não pode ser comparada com a dos arquivos de áudio digital!
Dê música de presente!!
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